
New Age Manifesto

Feel free to create your own version.
Let this sh*t go viral. Magical
New beginnings.


Hey peeps, let’s clean up
Our mind and space for dopeness.
Let’s talk, dance, play to release
The tension of Feeling & Understanding.
Here 1000 words manifesto that brings my vision to the world.
This philosophy is what I want to share with each and everyone.
I ask you to share, to correct it for yourself, to add things,
To get in touch with me on a personal level to discuss.
Much love and caring energy for you to develop your vision of future,
Because It is something that changes world.

I believe that we can use the words that know the purpose instead of the meaningless constructions.
Why is that the way we look and not the way we think?
There is so much more to a song, than it’s form.
If you wanna go to university, 
Go to University of Your Mind.
‘Cause in the end this opportunity of life is mine.
The space of my knowledge & research is something you wanna be a part of. And it’s mutual
If you are organized enough, if you emanate higher essences, they would wanna Go
To the University of Your Mind.
There is no Universal Law, there are just things of importancy
As your very own treasures. You find out as the result of your experience to keep.
They are sparkling beads, sometimes chaotic & sometimes in order,
That you put on a string of your spirit.
You are able to share this necklace with lovers & strangers & so strangely unknown family of your blood, nation, race, -
All these groups, they refer you too without asking you about your actual relation.
They say you are a white young Russian woman, they say that you are that and this,
And you say: I am from Earth, I am from all these places you are from, I am the person with no “country”..
 You are able for change. We are our lives collection, we are not stressed to play something else.
Go to University of Your Mind: we are Here to get out of the cage of 
Social Imprint, we are here to be free in what we love, we are here to learn how to love
Without Books,
or just with the ancient originals. Affecting others with our hearts, we are Here to get help from Almighty Higher Beings
{That are also Us}.
We are here to bring awareness to the world, to the micro & macro 
Your mind contains it All. Your pineal gland, your uterus, your chakras, your legs & arms
Are constanstly connected to other dimensions, and from where
The Visions are coming at the right moment.
My friend, your pineal gland is the library itself.
The mystery of your brain & soul is a healing power of Universe
That you can tune in instantly, any time.
Go to University of your Mind
As the beginning of any journey
Find out, what is the best for you to Stay Here & Now.
There are things you will not learn in educational institute.
My Dear God, oh my, the school is not that cool.
It can teach you some basics, but you
Need to learn YOURSELF from pure ecstatic love, my friend.
Go to the Collective Consciousness, go to the minds of your loved ones.
You are a part of this natural world.
You rise with the Sun. 
Your energy is affected by moon.
And still you are a creator and master of your feelings, of your life.
We have to deconstruct the system:
To find that it’s poisonous tactics of fear that people got into by just being born
In ‘Western Civilization’;
 To find how we can affect the root of it.

We have to be a source of kindness and harmless truth.
We have to face what we want to change and forgive it.
We need to create the sctructure of natural alternative healing,
That will support us in very loving way. 
We need to get back to trade to disvalue the paper and virtual money that banks 
Make us use.
We don’t need to pay for many years to get what we want.
We want home… And community of people with conscious values.
We want to build eco-houses for life on a land,
And it will cost much less than an apt in the building.
That will get us out of a hook.
Have you noticed that people treat a patient in the hospital so often
As a consumer in a shop? 
Do you think this cold & sterile attitude helps us staying connected to each other?
Community should consist from people that do what they love,
From healers that heal from their heart, spirit and big knowledge of our body.
Our body is a vessel for soul, that reflects all the experiences that it goes through.
Do you thing that eating pills will heal you without you working 
On your internal question to Life & Yourself?
Your sickness says: you have to pay attention,
You have to understand, what’s the root reason,
You need to be involved and change the ways you perceive and act.
Doctors think you have a dysfunction that they can heal with chemicals only,
And we think, you might also look inside yourself to 
Fill in the blanks for healing, the first step of which is
Investigation & Realization.
We want to create home for healers.
We don’t like to be mistreated, lied to or threatened.
We choose to see those manipulations and avoid them.
I don’t want this system of lying to people.
It’s not working for us.
By system I mean the construction that distract
That awakens spirits of greed & jealousy, that might bring undesired harm.
And that’s true, that all the humans have their demons, 
We need to learn how to control them and ask them to leave.
They should not define our perception.
We have to spread the consciousness: the seeds of light, elements, balance.
We all need to love each other, take care of brothers & sisters of
Our big family on planet Earth.
It is not correct to think of yourself as an alienated individual. 
You affect all and everyone.
The idea of personal goods was brought to you so you would consume more without sharing.
It’s not what I wanna have in my life. I want to have people
I can share with.
Let’s use the material things we want as tools or something to play with.
Let’s use art of styling yourself as a funny entertaining game that kids do have
Without a possession to be better than anyone else.
We can all create a community where there will be barter,
Everyone will be appreciated by their natural force,
None will fall asleep being hungry and cold, and
None will feel abandoned.
For mutual benefit we have to become 1
To serve each other purposes.


realizations, dedicated to Patrick. heart-to-heart. mergers & acquisitions

I found out, that it's hard to be with you without understanding, why you do the things you do, without understanding your point. If I don't fully agree, if I feel offended by what you are doing, it's a matter of my own subjectivity and life experience rather than that you really decide to hurt me or upset me, or even more - make me angry. I don't want to believe in that, when you offer me your heart. I don't wanna be suspicious and paranoid about what you say, neither I want to get very selfish and think that you do the things you do only for yourself. Even in that case scenario, if you are doing good for yourself, you are doing good for me also, because we already blended, we became a smoooovie of togetherness, whatever you or me are thinking about that. 'When I become you, Becoming me, Becoming you' Smoothie. Psychoactive compound of our spirits and smells, powers and weaknesses means Unity Mix. And it's not once and forever, it's every day job of keeping it together as long as there is something to give and to learn.

This monologue's purpose is simple: very often we don't know how to please each other, what really is a fuel for souls and body of the ones you love. How to be around me is a science you have to learn. What turns me on and what turns me off - these is the easiest base for our connection castle, that will help to keep it clean and steady. In return I promise you stability of my light and consistent appreciation of your being. I will tell you the ways you can make me happier, and I would love to know the ways that will make you happier. In such mutual respect only the best things could be made: the best fruits of love are art and spiritual evolution.

I want you to love me the way I want to be loved, but if you can't.. I will understand it and accept whatever you have to give.
Block of being refused or ignored is a sad experience. A result can make us paranoid and jealous, and if we can avoid pushing buttons, I can gradually let go of this disturbing emotion, that doesn't let our communication go smoothly.

jealousy is bullshit: what is not there, is not there, and no need to blame someone for reflecting your attitude (because what people are doing, at least partly relates to your own attitude). events happening are the reflection of your consciousness, although reflection is not the exact picture.
not letting yourself have feelings for others except your partner = not letting anyone else to feel it. free your mind! sing your song of love. falling apart is a part of the process of getting together. I'm learning how to be around you in balance. You teach me your gracious balanced communication with people. It's okay if we won't have sex, and if we won't talk for hours. This is how it goes sometimes. It doesn't end while we have an intention to stay or to return one day to the loved ones, because true love connection does not disappears, it just hides for a while.

So much space in hidden. So many fields, full of strawberries. Silence is sexy and gives so much food as nurturing cosmos.



made tumblr:  miss lakshmi

feels so much better for sharing images, than blogger. and here if makes more sense for writing.



"Industry and the Sleepwatchers", life & oil on canvas.

Show of contemporary artist, a painter Jay Senetchko opened for one evening to show us the beauty of his recent work. It was a little country house in the area of Downtown/Chinatown of Vancouver.

 I had an honour to be a student of mr.Senetchko year ago, in Foundation of Visual Art & Design in Vancouver Film School. His classes opened to me world of 2d perspective, though I have a feeling I've lost most of it because of not practicing enough.

The installation was inspired by the times of grandparents. On the outside of the little house veggies were dipped in cheese, and girls from the Myrtle Family band were singing in good old-fashioned style. They danced tap, us.. we danced swing.


Джей Сенетчко, мой учитель, невероятный художник. Так вот выглядела его инсталляция. В построенном домике. Вдохновленная прародителями. Снаружи овощи макались в сыр, а девушки из the Myrtle Family band пели старомодное. Они танцевали чечётку, а мы - свинг. Выставка проходила один вечер в районе Даунтаун/Чайнатаун Ванкувера (центр). 

Мне посчастливилось быть студентом мистера Сенетчко год назад, в Foundation of Visual Art & Design в Vancouver Film School. Его занятия открыли для меня мир 2D перспективы, хотя кажется сейчас я порастеряла знания этого мира из-за отсутствия практики.

Выставка вдохновлена временами прародителей. 

That's a photograph by Kyna Bigornia of the installation:

And this is Jay Senetchko, by me:
(C) Anastasia Ku.

more photographs that I made under the cut --->


it's so fresh

(Janis Joplin at Dick Cavett Show taken by someone in 1970)

mind-blowing* - the game your mind plays to blow itself.

this was august in Vancouver




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